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Divorce Reform Given New Lease of Life

Divorce Reform Given New Lease of Life

Divorce Reform Given New Lease of Life

It seemed as though the Parliamentary Bill introducing new divorce law had been stopped in its track by last September’s prorogation of Parliament and then by December’s general election.

The good news is that the Bill is now being progressed and has been introduced in the House of Lords.

In the future, if the Bill is passed into law, divorcing couples will not have to allege fault on the part of the other.

Divorce will instead be on the basis of the irretrievable breakdown of the marital relationship.

Additionally, the law relating to dissolution of Civil Partnership will be changed.

The change is welcome and long overdue.

Divorce is hard enough for all involved without one of the couple having to allege that the other is at fault.

It doesn’t help what is often a deteriorating relationship, particularly where a couple agrees their relationship has ended but where they wish to retain a cooperative and civil relationship both for themselves and as importantly for their children.

How Kerseys Can Help

If you need help or advice about divorce, getting a divorce, court proceedings or anything else then please contact Clare Thomas – Head of the Family Team.

Clare Thomas

Clare Thomas

Head of Family Team – Partner Solicitor

01473 407149
[email protected]

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