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ACAS Early Conciliation Period Will Change

ACAS Early Conciliation Period Will Change

ACAS Early Conciliation Period Will Change

On 1 December the length of the ACAS Early Conciliation period will change.

Early Conciliation is a mandatory process that anyone who wishes to bring a claim in the Employment Tribunal must instigate.

The potential claimant can trigger Early Conciliation by either calling ACAS or completing an online form.

An ACAS conciliator will then contact the parties to see whether a settlement can be reached.

ACAS Website   |   0300 123 1100

Early Conciliation

As things stand at the moment, the Early Conciliation period can last for up to 1 month and, if the parties agree, can be extended by a further 2 weeks.

If either party does not wish to engage in the conciliation process they can end the conciliation period early.

After 1 December 2020 the Early Conciliation process will remain the same but the conciliation period will be changed so that it is 6 weeks (rather than a month) and there will not be any means of extending it.

It will still be possible to end the process before the end of the 6 week period.

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