Woodbridge - 01394 813732
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Colchester - 01206 584584
Felixstowe - 01394 834557


All Employees Have Employment Rights

All Employees Have Employment Rights

All Employees Have Employment Rights

All employees have employment rights no matter their role.

Employees are vital to the success of every business that has them and ensuring that they are managed successfully in order to maximise productivity is key.

If your business employs staff, all members of staff no matter what their role is are entitled to certain employment rights from day one.

It is imperative that you as the owner/manager of a business are kept fully up to date with the dynamic nature of employment law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

We offer a friendly, flexible approach to take assist our clients with all of the HR / Employment Law needs.

COVID19 has had a far-reaching impact on businesses on a global scale. It has forced employers to think outside of the box and to adapt to new ways of working in the already ever-changing modern workplace. To ensure that compliance demanded by the government is met, many businesses are reviewing their practices and procedures.

Don’t leave your business open to tribunal claims, Annalie King, Consultant Employment Solicitor at Kerseys is a specialist in working alongside companies (becoming part of your business) and working with you to review contracts of employment and your firms legal handbook.

Leaving you to run your business, Annalie will lead your review.

Cleaner’s angry resignation note sparks flood of support – BBC News

HR Services

Contact Annalie King

For a free initial conversation contact Annalie at [email protected] or telephone Ipswich 01473 213311 or Colchester 01206 58454. Alternatively, you can visit our website and click “Call Me Back” where a member of our team will be happy to contact you.

Annalie King

Annalie King
Consultant Employment Law Solicitor

01473 407123
[email protected]

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