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Bigamous Allegations in Finance Settlements

Bigamous Allegations in Finance Settlements

Bigamous Allegations in Finance Settlements in relation to Divorce

An aristocratic divorcing wife who has already been accused of bigamy has had yet another cannonball shot across her bows.

Her husband’s latest salvo has been to accuse her of trying to interfere in a planning application for development of land into a business center. This, the husband has said, is totally inappropriate given that the wife lives in London and the land for development is on the banks of Loch Lomond.

The husband’s first shot in relation to bigamy also included the unfortunate allegation that his wife lied about her age.

Bigamous allegations are rare but not unknown and in this case might have had something to do with the wife’s claim on his trust fund and application for spousal maintenance of £10,000 per month.

Try not to wash your dirty linen in public

The unhappy pair continue to wash their dirty linen in public and given the husband’s royal connections are likely to make headlines for some time to come.

For an altogether more amicable approach to financial settlement (no cannonballs required) contact the Family Team at Kerseys Solicitors.

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