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Brangelina to Share Custody of Children

Brangelina to Share Custody of Children

Brangelina to share custody of their children

Celebrities continue to dominate the family law news with the latest being Brad Pitt’s success in being granted “joint custody” of his children.

The parties have five children under 18 and one over 18. The legal team for Angelina have been defiant insisting the legal fight is still ongoing, after criticising the Judge for now allowing the children to give evidence (the children are 17, 16, 14 and the twins are 12, the eldest being 19). Reports are that the joint custody decision is only “tentative” while the case continues.

Shared Child Care

What the story highlights however is the important question of shared care and how courts deal with child arrangements under the remit of what is in the best interests of any child of the family.

Courts recognise more than ever the importance of both parties playing a prominent role in the child’s upbringing and development and have significantly moved away from a default position of “child living with mother and only permitting the other parent seeing the child on an alternate weekend basis”.

Courts are readily now looking at the impact of a child having limited time with either parent and are taking a much more holistic and pragmatic approach when it comes to considering a child’s welfare and the arrangements for contact.

It is worth bearing in mind that no two cases are the same, and what suits one family may not be appropriate for others. 

How Kerseys Can Help You

If you need any guidance on the law and the options which may be available to you regarding children arrangements please contact our fully qualified team of specialist family lawyers on Ipswich 01473 213311 or Colchester 01206 584584 or via our head of department, Matt Clemence on 01473 407181 or email him at [email protected].

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