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Business Restructure

Business Restructure

Business Restructure

Starting up a business? Restructuring your business? Up to date with Employment Laws?

Contact Kerseys Solicitors at Legal Services for Business where our Corporate and Employment teams will provide your business with a free half hour consultation to get you on the right track in relation to your business restructure, contracts, acquiring another business, selling your business and employment contracts or TUPE arrangements.

All services for your business under one roof tailored to meet your specific needs.  Taking the strain away from you so that you can get on with running your business.

Support for your business is only a click or call away at Kersey Solicitors in Ipswich or Kerseys Solicitors in Colchester.  Our Corporate and Employment Solicitors will be happy to arrange an initial online meeting with Annalie King a partner and solicitor who specialises in employment law and provides tailored HR services to businesses or Adrian Chaffey a senior solicitor who specialises in corporate law.

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