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Can I Change My Child’s Name_

Can I Change My Child’s Name?

Can I Change My Child’s Name?

Usually a parent wants to change a child’s surname. This is often because the child has the unwanted surname of an ex-partner.

At Kerseys Solicitors we are often asked to produce a Change of Name Deed for a child.

  • Both parents with parental responsibility need to agree to change a child’s name.
  • Parental Responsibility is the collection of rights and duties a parent has in respect of a child.
  • In the UK mothers automatically have parental responsibility.
  • Fathers have parental responsibility if they are married to the mother or are on the birth certificate (after a certain date).

What if my child’s father won’t agree to change his/her name?

You will have to ask the court for permission to change your child’s name if his/her father won’t agree.

Permission is not given lightly as a surname is an important link to a father.

You could always ask the father if he is prepared to agree to a double-barrelled surname.

Can I give my child any name I like at birth?

In the UK you can usually call your child what you like.

However the Registrar will not register an offensive name. ‘Game of Thrones’ is proving popular with Arya, Khaleesi and Daenerys all appearing in the Register of Births in 2018.

In 2008 a New Zealand Court changed a child’s name from ‘Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii’. It said the name was foolish and made the child fear being mocked and teased.

Some countries have a list of acceptable first names from which parents may choose.

How Kerseys Can Help

If you require help to make a court application to change a name contact Nicola Furmston or contact our office at [email protected] or telephone us on 01473 213311.

Nichola Furmston

Family Solicitor
Nicola Furmston

01473 407110

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