Woodbridge - 01394 813732
Ipswich - 01473 213311
Colchester - 01206 584584
Felixstowe - 01394 834557


Fixed Fee Divorce

Can I get a fixed fee Divorce with a qualified Solicitor?

Can I get a fixed fee Divorce with a qualified Solicitor?

Fixed Fee Divorce £385 plus VAT

We are concerned to see an influx of non-regulated, non-legal companies offering cheap online divorce assistance via various social media platforms. For peace of mind at the most challenging of times, Kerseys Family Solicitors in Ipswich and Family Solicitors in Colchester offer a fixed fee divorce of £385 plus VAT plus the court fee.  You are in the hands of a qualified Solicitor who will support you along the way offering face to face meetings or online video meetings.  You do not need to leave your home or work place to work with our family lawyers.  We appreciate not one size fits all, our services are tailored to meet your individual needs for now and your longer term future.

If you are not sure if divorce is the right route for you, our team of friendly and supportive Family Solicitors also offer a fixed fee appointment in which a qualified Family Solicitor will provide you with bespoke legal advice and include setting out your options on how to move forward.

Kerseys Family Brochure

Contact us and a member our Family team will be happy to speak with you, telephone Kerseys in  Ipswich 01473 213311 or Kerseys in Colchester 01206 584584 or email us [email protected], alternatively if you would prefer us to call you please visit our website and click “Call Me Back”.


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