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Can I have £2 Million to Buy Strawberries?

The truth is stranger than fiction, as they say. This week a prominent Emirati family found itself before the High Court in what has been billed as the biggest divorce case in English legal history. The youngest of six wives was awarded more than £500 million by way of divorce settlement. To get to this figure the court conducted an analysis of the parties’ spending and apparently at one point £2 million was spent in one go on strawberries for family and staff. That’s a lot of strawberries by anyone’s reckoning.  We haven’t worked out how many punnet’s that amounts to (answers on a postcard). But even this family had to justify its spending. Setting out in detail your resources and outgoings is an essential part of the divorce process and honest disclosure is a key part of the proceedings, even if you have to confess to over-spending on fruit.

For expert advice on your rights and obligations during divorce contact Kerseys Family Team. Oh, and it’s five a day, not five hundred.

Kerseys Family Law Solicitors offers tailored-made solutions for divorcing and separating couples. Whilst our standard working day is 9.00am to 17.15pm, our Family Lawyers are flexible to support your needs and will if possible arrange out of hours online appointments for you, visit our website and click “Call Me Back” to request a free call back or telephone us at Kerseys Solicitors in Ipswich 01473 213311 or Kerseys Solicitors in Colchester 01206 584584 or email us at [email protected]

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