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Choosing the right HR support

5/5 – Choosing the Right HR Support

Choosing the Right HR Support

Choosing Right HR Support 1

Choosing the right HR support for you can be a challenge – especially if you are not sure what you really need.

Here are my 5 tips to selecting the right support for you.

1. Knowledge

You need to make sure that your HR support understands the legal implications of what they are advising.

Choosing Right HR Support 2

Employment law is complex and ever changing, so it is important to find an HR adviser who is a specialist in the field of employment law.

You need someone who truly understands the issues you are facing and can use their knowledge of the law to get the best outcome for you.

2. Experience

Look for an adviser who has a good amount of experience of helping employers with their employment and HR needs. There really is no substitute for experience. And, as part of that experience, you should look for an adviser who has acted for both employers and employees in the past.

Choosing Right HR Support 3This will give them a more balanced view of the strengths and weaknesses of your position and a better insight into what their opponent is thinking.

Feel free to question them about their experience and ask if they have worked on a similar case in the past so that you can be confident they will be able to help you.

3. Costs and fees

Advisers will often charge by the hour, so you only pay for the time the adviser spends helping you.Choosing Right HR Support 4

Many will also offer fixed or capped fee option, which give you the certainty of knowing how much you are going to need to pay.

Some will even offer low-cost retainer that gives you access to certain services for a fixed time, usually a year.

Choose an adviser who has a transparent fee structure so that you understand how much you will have to pay. You should also expect to be given lots of information about funding options that are open to you.

4. Professional regulation

You should look for an adviser who is a member of a professional body which requires them to act ethically and be adequately insured for the advice that they give.

Solicitors, for example, are strictly regulated so you can be certain that they

  • have insuranceLexcel Logo
  • will provide you with information around fees
  • will deliver excellent client care
  • will work in your best interests.

You should also look to see whether your advisers meet additional quality standards in client care and management such as Lexcel. If they do, they will have the Lexcel accreditation displayed on their literature and website.

5. Own your problem

Good advisers care about their clients and work with them to gain the best results.

Choosing Right HR Support 5They make your problem, their problem and ensure that you get the best achievable result.

You should also talk to any prospective adviser before you engage them as you want to make sure that you can work with them. Feeling comfortable with your adviser is a key part of your relationship with them.

Finally, before you choose your adviser have a look on the internet and see what others have to say about them. This will give you a better understanding of their level of care and commitment.

A little more about Kerseys

Kerseys Solicitors LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and is accredited by the Lexcel Quality Standard.

We offer a range of fee options, including a low-cost annual retainer service.

If you would like to discuss how our expert advisers can help you, please call us on

and we will be happy to discuss our offering.

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