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Civil Partnership to Marriage

From Civil Partnership to Marriage at the Stroke of Midnight

Civil Partnership to Marriage at the Stroke of Midnight

A hearty cheer from all at Kerseys Solicitors for Robyn Peoples and Sharni Edwards who, on 11th February 2020, became the first gay couple to marry in Northern Ireland.

The couple tied the knot at a hotel in County Antrim having first registered to have a civil partnership under the watchful eye of the world’s press.

Upon hearing that the law was to change to allow same-sex couples to marry the pair converted their proposed civil partnership into a marriage.

They were thrilled to discover theirs was to be the first in Northern Ireland, Ms People’s place of birth.

Ms Edwards said that they hadn’t set out to make history but had just fallen in love and thanked all those who had fought for equality.

Good luck from Kerseys Solicitors to all couples marrying this very special Valentine’s week wherever they are in the world.

Family Law Solicitor

Contact Nicola Furmston 01473 407110

Nichola Furmston

Nicola Furmston
01473 407110

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