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Online Family Tool New

Collaborate with Solicitor Online

What if you could collaborate with your Solicitor online at your convenience?

Nicola Furmston, Family Solicitor at Kerseys explains:-

Are you the type of person who, when presented with a personal problem:


Likes to resolve it immediately?                                                           


Like to take small steps and ponder a while before making a decision?

If something difficult is on my mind I like to feel that I have at least taken some action, no matter how small, towards resolving it. Our brains being what they are, this agony of worry often occurs at night.

Imagine if you could make yourself a cup of cocoa, sit in your pyjamas and take the first steps towards the rest of your life?

Online Family Tool Blog

Kerseys Solicitors new online family tool allows you to do just that.

Available at the touch of a button on our website is a quick questionnaire.

Complete it and you will receive personalised information about the divorce or separation process.

You can then make an appointment to see us, confident in the knowledge that we already know your situation.

Done it?

Phew, back to bed for a good night’s sleep…..

To take your own first step, press the button for “Online Family Tool

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