Woodbridge - 01394 813732
Ipswich - 01473 213311
Colchester - 01206 584584
Felixstowe - 01394 834557


Do you have contact arrangements in place_

Contact Arrangements in Place?

Do you have contact arrangements in place?

Christmas is coming and the issue of how to see loved ones over the festive period, stay safe and within the law is uppermost in the minds of many of us at the moment.

Given that Christmas is a time for children in particular, and the rule of three households applies in England, whether or not children of separated parents can legally travel between English households is very important. 

Happily, the English government and the devolved governments of Scotland and Wales have said that children of separated parents can move between their parent’s homes in different bubbles. This includes both supervised and unsupervised visits.

If you have an existing court order providing for contact arrangements over Christmas this should be complied with. If you haven’t got a court order, then it is important to try to agree something if you can, avoiding emotive language in any communications where possible and focusing on the joy that seeing parents at Christmas brings.

We have a family law team who are all fully qualified solicitors with years of experience who are able to help you make arrangements for your children that meet their and your needs.

Please do not hesitate to contact a member of our family team at [email protected] or telephone us on Ipswich 01473 213311 or Colchester 01206 584584, alternatively if you would prefer us to call you please visit our web site and click “Call Me Back”

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