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Deputyship Orders

Deputyship Orders

Deputyship Orders – January 2023 Update

A new year means a new era for Deputyship Orders

From the 3 January 2023, the application process for Deputyship Orders has changed and is no longer a paper-based system and instead are made via an online portal. The benefits of this online system are purported to be quicker processing of applications and subsequent Orders being made and an overall easier application process.

The procedure of making a Deputyship Order Application differs heavily from the application procedure for making Lasting Powers of Attorney (‘LPAs’) which a person can make whilst they have the capacity to allow trusted chosen persons to make property & financial decisions if the circumstances arise where they no longer have capacity. The Court fees at the time of writing for LPAs are £82 per LPA versus £371 for a Deputyship Order. The Court of Protection can charge an additional £494 if they decide your application needs a hearing.

The complexities around Deputyship Orders and Lasting Powers of Attorney remain and therefore it is ever more important to seek guidance when intending to make a Deputyship Order and/or Lasting Powers of Attorney.

More information:-



Our Private Client Team at Kerseys Solicitors LLP have years of experience and we are here to help executors with an estate and to relieve some of the aforementioned responsibility and burden.  We have the expertise to guide you through the tax systems associated with probate, as well as the rules and regulations when it comes to distributing monies to beneficiaries and accounting for yourself.  For further information please do contact a member of the Private Client team at Kerseys Solicitors in Ipswich on 01473 213311 or Kerseys Solicitors in Colchester on 01206 584584 or email us at [email protected].

Useful links:-

What is an LPA?

Why Make a Will?

What Happens if You Don’t Make a Will – Kerseys Solicitors

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