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Divorce Application Fees

Divorce Application Fees

Family Court fees

U-turn by HMCTS to increasing Divorce Application Fees

Following our recent up regarding His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) increasing the divorce application fee in April, His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) have now performed a U-turn and the divorce application fee is now not going to rise after all after being told higher fees could force couples to remain in unhappy or abusive relationships.  The court fee for an application for divorce now  remains at £593.00.

Divorce application fees will remain at £593. As the Law Gazette reports:- “consultation respondents raised concerns about the impact of a higher fee on access to justice and particularly on women, as they were more likely to apply for divorce than men. ‘They stated that women tend to face more difficulties when navigating the justice system as they may have caring responsibilities and are statistically more likely to be on lower incomes given the gender pay gap,’ the consultation response says.”

If you are in the process of separating and need assistance with the legal process for separation and/or children we share some frequently asked questions to assist you.

If you are experiencing a relationship breakdown and are considering which application to make to the Court and how to fund it, our experienced team of Family law solicitors can advise and guide you throughout the process, we also share some frequently asked questions on our web site – you are not alone.

Contact our Family law team today to book an initial consultation at Kerseys Solicitors in Ipswich at [email protected] or telephone 01473 213311Kerseys Solicitors in Felixstowe at [email protected] on 01394 834557 or Kerseys Solicitors in Colchester at [email protected] on 01206 584584.

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