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Divorce Rates Rise

Matt Clemence Reviews Divorce Rates Rise

Matt Clemence Reviews Divorce Rates Rise

Divorce Rates Rise – Highest in 5 Years

The Office of National Statistics yesterday published data showing that the number of couples getting divorced in England & Wales surged by almost a fifth in 2019 to the highest levels in five years.

  • 107,599 opposite sex divorces in 2019 were recorded
  • an increase of 18.4% from 90,871 in 2018
  • the highest since 2014 when 111,169 were granted.

There were also 822 same sex divorces, nearly twice the number (428) in 2018.

Unreasonable behaviour was the most common reason for divorce cited by 49% of wives and 35% of husbands in heterosexual marriages whilst it was cited 63% in female same sex divorces and 70% of male ones.

The latest figures come as many predict a post-lockdown divorce boom amid warnings that the coronavirus pandemic has put a strain on relationships. The BBC report that they are aware that advice charities such as Citizens Advice have seen divorce guidance searches rise significantly since April after a drop in visits before lockdown started.

However, it is not all doom and gloom and overall we have seen a downward trend in divorces since the most recent peak of 153,065 divorces in 2003 with opposite sex divorces in 2019 still 30% lower than in that year.

Matt Clemence

Matt Clemence – Family Solicitor

Matt Clemence, Head of Family Law at Kerseys commented “the figures are broadly consistent with an overall decline in the number of marriages between the period of 2003 to date” with Matt further adding “changes in attitudes to cohabitation as an alternative to marriage and now heterosexual couples also being able to enter into civil partnerships are all factors that have affected the general decrease in divorce rates since its peak in 2003“.

Family, Relationships & Divorce

How Kerseys Can Help

If you have any questions or queries in relation to divorce, finances, children or separation generally, please do not hesitate to contact Matt Clemence on 01473 407181 or email [email protected] who would be more than happy to assist you further.  Alternatively, you can visit our web site and click “Call Me Back”.

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