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FSNB Dragon Boat Race - Kerseys

Dragon Boat Race 2021 – Fresh Start New Beginnings

Dragon Boat Race 2021 – Fresh Start New Beginnings

On Saturday 30 May 2020 it would have been the annual dragon boat race in Ipswich, Kerseys had great ambitions this year to beat last year’s placings and whilst we know our staff were looking forward to getting into the boat and soak up the atmosphere, to raise money for our charity Fresh Start New Beginnings this was not possible this year.

However Fresh Start New Beginnings are planning the biggest Dragon Boat race yet in June 2021 at the Waterfront in Ipswich.

The Kerseys Krew look forward to seeing you there.

Fresh Start New Beginnings logo

Fresh Start New Beginnings

Fresh Start New Beginnings continue to work and support the children who need us. We have changed and adapted the way we support children and their parents. We continue to offer one to one sessions, online and by telephone. In addition to working with the children many of their parents are seeking your help with telephone support for guidance and reassurance to help their child. As you are aware we are a small local children’s charity with income of approx. £600,00. Fairly small with real value for money. Working with over 200 children in Suffolk and Norfolk. With your help we help children to rebuild their future.

We are also very aware that when we all come out the other end of this pandemic our waiting lists will grow as many children are potentially trapped at home with their abuser. We are also aware that children being at home on their devices with lots of time on their hands are pickings for online groomers. We know our waiting list will increase dramatically.

Fresh Start new beginnings have taken steps to ensure we are here to work with our children and the many more that will join the waiting list. Half of our staff are on Furlough leave, the others who are working have all volunteered to reduce their hours and others to take a 20% pay cut. I am so humbled by our team at Fresh Start, we are passionate about the work we do and we all know how important it is for the charity to be here at the end of this and to ensure children who ask for help are supported.

We have canceled some of our fundraising events which will have a big impact on future income however we have been fortunate and have rescheduled the date for the Dragon Boat Race to Saturday 12th September.  We are working with Ipswich Borough Council and ABP to make this the best Dragon Boat event thus far. Its great team building, great fun for friends and all the family to come and cheer you on.

The more teams that take part, means that we can help more children.

Watch this space for confirmation of the date for your diary, in June 2021, Ipswich Waterfront.  The Fresh Start new beginnings Dragon Boat challenge.

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