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Dress Down Fridays

‘Dress-down Fridays’

‘Dress-down Fridays’

Following on from our last blog on Work, Dress Codes, Law and Risk, ‘Dress-down Fridays’ can bring another set of discrimination issues into play.

We know employers have a duty to protect employees from harassment on the grounds of ‘protective characteristics’, including the creation of ‘an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment’. So what about an employee’s tee-shirt with slogans or photographic images?

Dress Down Friday

In addition, what if Friday’s dress-down garb is inappropriate in terms of the employer’s health and safety responsibilities?

Well written Company policies covering all matters of employee dress are the answer, with an element of discretion permitted to the employee.


For further information on Company Handbooks and Staff Management, please contact our Commercial Team.

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