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Kerseys Easter Raffle

Easter Raffle at Kerseys

The team at Kerseys enjoying their Easter Raffle whilst raising money for Fresh Start New Beginnings.

To meet the team preparing to paddle join us at the Waterfront in Ipswich on 11 June 2022 for the Dragon Boat Race.

A big thank you to our members of staff who have made kind donations for our Easter Raffle along with joining in the fun of desk bingo, cake sales and buying tickets for the raffles during the year along with #Jimmys Farm #Orchard Massage and Beauty #Escape Rooms Ipswich #Arcade Tavern #Biass & Co and Victoria Clemence for the kind donations

A big thank you also Michele our receptionist at Kerseys for her care of making our prize drawers have a twist to them each time.

Happy Easter.

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