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Emergency Legislation – Commercial Tenancies

Emergency Legislation – Commercial Tenancies

Coronavirus: Emergency Legislation Affecting Commercial Tenancies

The Coronavirus Bill which is proceeding fast through parliament brings in changes to current options for commercial landlords in order to protect tenants’ businesses. Most important is that re-entry or forfeiture for non-payment of rent cannot be enforced during the “relevant period”.

The relevant period is, at the moment, until 30 June 2020 but this could, of course, be extended.

Landlords’ options for the end of the relevant period, when that comes, are preserved in that nothing done, or not done, by the landlord (except for a waiver in writing) will be considered as waiving any right to re-entry or forfeiture for non-payment of rent.

Under the current law landlords are at risk of waiving their right to forfeiture so this will give landlords some comfort that they will not do so inadvertently.

There are also provisions to make sure any ongoing court actions do not give a date for eviction before the end of the “relevant period”.

If you have any concerns please contact our Dispute Resolution or Commercial Property Departments.

Dispute Resolution Commercial Property

How Kerseys Can Help

Please contact Kate Barnes, Partner & Head of Dispute Resolution team at Kerseys Solicitors on 01473 407147 or email [email protected], with any issues that arise.

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