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Employment Law Services for Individuals

Employment Law Solicitors for Individuals

Employment Law Solicitors for Individuals

Finding your way through the labyrinth of employment law can be complicated and overwhelming.

If you are having problems at work, you need clear and practical advice from an expert who’s on your side. At Kerseys our employment law solicitors are on hand to offer specific employment law advice to help and support you.

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Perhaps you are:

  • being treated unfairly by your employer
  • being treated unfairly by a colleague and you don’t know what to do
  • threatened with redundancy and want advice on where you stand
  • facing disciplinary action and require professional support
  • facing an employment tribunal

Our friendly and professional employment law team can take action on your behalf, taking the pressure off you and providing comfort during what can be very challenging times. Our experienced employment solicitors will guide you through every step of the process and ensure your rights are protected.

More About Employment Law Services for Individuals

Your employer is likely to have access to good legal advice, and so should you.

How Kerseys can help

Kerseys offer expert employment legal advice and can help with a range of employment related issues. All cases are handled by our experienced employment lawyers.

These can include:

  • being threatened with redundancy
  • asked to enter into a settlement agreement (previously known as a compromise agreement)
  • being asked to agree to changes to your contract of employment
  • being bullied or harassed by a manager or a colleague
  • being treated unfairly (subjected to discrimination at work ) because of
    • age
    • sex
    • nationality
    • race
    • religion
    • belief
    • disability
    • marital or civil partnership status
    • gender reassignment
    • sexual orientation

As a law firm we can help achieve the best possible outcome for you. Our fees are competitive and will be made clear to you from the outset.

Your Employment Law Solicitor will work with you every step of the way, providing clear, concise employment law advice on the best approach to achieving your objective.

If you need employment law advice and legal support for a Settlement Agreement, Unfair Dismissal from Work, Redundancy, workplace discrimination or another kind of employment legal issue, we can help you.

How to Contact Kerseys

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A bit more about Kerseys

Kerseys are registered in England and Wales as a Law Firm.

We are authorised and regulated by the solicitors regulation authority.

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