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EPC rating update for Landlords

EPC rating update for Landlords

Rishi Sunak on Wednesday 27 September 2023 announced that the Government would soften several green policies including the Energy performance Certificate (EPC) for residential rental properties.

The government have dropped plans that would have required any properties rented out in the private rented sector to have a minimum energy performance rating of C by 2028.

An EPC is rated between bands A and G, A being the most energy efficient with G the being the least energy efficient.

The requirement to have a minimum rating of E remains for Landlords letting out properties and looks set to remain for the foreseeable future based on the government’s decision last week.  However there will still be some government funding offered to landlords to upgrade their properties but landlords do not need to fear being fined for not updating their rented properties.

It is still unlawful to rent out a property which breaches the requirement for a minimum E rating on an EPC, unless there is an applicable exemption.

You can find out what your property energy performance rating is by visiting www.gov.uk/find-energy-certificate.

For further legal advice on renting out properties click Kerseys and a member of our legal team will be happy to speak with you.

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