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Bank Holiday for Coronation

Extra Bank Holiday 2023

Are Employees entitled to the extra bank holiday for the Coronation of King Charles III?

The King’s Coronation is taking place on 6 May 2023 however the bank holiday will fall on 8 May 2023 for England and Wales. This is an additional bank holiday to 1 May 2023.

However, is an employee legally entitled to receive that extra bank holiday?

This is dependent on the wording of the employee’s contract of employment.  If the contract is worded that the employee will be entitled to 20 days leave plus bank holidays, then the employee would be entitled to receive the additional paid leave.  However, if the contract of employment states that leave is set a specific number of days “inclusive of bank holidays” or indeed “in addition to the usual bank holidays,” then the employee would not necessarily be entitled to paid leave for the additional day of bank holiday.  This would be a decision for the employer to make the employee either work that additional bank holiday or offer to have the day off either paid or unpaid.  As such, employers should check their contracts of employment and communicate their position to employees in advance of the bank holiday.

Employers need to consider and discuss with their employees sooner rather than later to ensure that everyone is aware and understands the situation.

If you are in of need employment advice or HR support contact Kerseys Solicitors telephone  Ipswich 01473 213311 or Colchester 01206 584584 or email [email protected], alternatively Kerseys are only a click away visit our website and click “Call Me Back” and a member of our employment team will be happy to contact you at a time that is convenient to you.

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