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Family Law Lockdown 2.0 (Pt1)

Family Law Lockdown 2.0 (Pt1)

Updates & Information – Children

Video Transcript

As we enter Lockdown part 2 the sequel, for at least the next four weeks, I thought it helpful to review the current restrictions and their impact if any on family law related issues.

Significantly, this time around nurseries and schools are to remain open and parents are actively encouraged to continue to send their children to school.

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Childminders and family members who assist with looking after children are permitted to continue to do so and operate as usual to assist parents who need to go to work, even though the government guidelines presently are that if you can work from home you should.

Critically just like last time, separated parents are encouraged to maintain contact arrangements whether made informally or via court order children are permitted to travel between households and the only caveat to this rule is if one parent does not feel it is safe to do so due to significant underlying health issues whether that be by the parent or child or whether a parent or adult or a child from the respective households is displaying asymptomatic symptoms or in fact has COVID and in that case that unit should isolate for 14 days

It is crucial not to use the current lockdown as a vehicle to frustrate contact arrangements or use it to repackage already well-established routines. If you are in any doubt or you would like advice then please contact us and you can access our details via the website.

Remember using technology such as Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, WhatsApp video are all really good ways of keeping in contact and please make sure that communication is the key word and that you communicate with the other parent at all times about any concerns you have to ensure that you maintain a child-focused approach.

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