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Family Law Lockdown 2.0 (Pt2)

Family Law Lockdown 2.0 (Pt2)

Affecting the Court Process

Video Transcript

Given lockdown, we received a lot of enquiries about how this is affecting court process.

Since March and for the foreseeable future were at the very least the next 2 to 3 months, courts are operating mostly on a remote basis which means that most hearings are being dealt with either my video or telephone appointment.

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Only in special cases are Court asking parties to physically attend their hearings.

Unsurprisingly courts have not escaped the effects of covid.

They have reduced staffing levels and where possible course staff are working from home. Judges are hearing less cases per day and therefore inevitably there is now a significant backlog in civil cases, especially family law cases involving finances and children.

Directives from the judiciary patience and therefore it might be a sensible opportunity to consider alternatives to litigation and especially in these needs times where there is significant delay in having court hearings the spotlight is falling on mediation, collaborative law and roundtable meetings.

And if you would like to discuss other alternative ways of resolving any disputes you have within the family law sphere then please don’t hesitate to contact me or any member of my team who would be willing and able to assist you in that regard.

Courts are actively encouraging people to explore alternative dispute resolution forums and are only specifically opening their doors to care cases and domestic violence injunctions.

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