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Family Law Lockdown 2.0 (Pt3)

Family Law Lockdown 2.0 (Pt3)

Domestic Violence Injunctions

Video Transcript

In relation to domestic abuse, the media were right to highlight the significant rise in such cases during the first lockdown and various agencies and other support groups have highlighted the fact that especially given this time of year and the pressures of Christmas and the weather not being as nice as it was previously, will all encourage a spike in domestic violence incidences.

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Prolonged time spent together with families who face financial pressures as well as having to deal with the general fall out of lockdown such as restricted activities, a lack of social integration and interaction, the pressures of having to consider how to best deal with Christmas are all going to have a significant impact on mental health and as such will put a strain on people and cause a spike potentially in abuse cases.

If you find yourself in such a situation then please dial 999 immediately as they are your first port of call.

However, there are a number of agencies and groups who are there to assist both male and female victims of domestic abuse. A list of such agencies is on our website.

In addition, our team is equipped to assist you in such situations where you may need assistance in dealing with a domestic abuse incident. We can talk through your options on how to protect you and your family. But equally, we are there to support and help those that have received applications for injunctions, so that we can best talk through the options that you have available and to see if we can’t come to a more reasonable solution when issues are presented and emotions are at their height.

We all hope that this lockdown only lasts for 4 weeks but we are here at Kerseys to assist you with all your legal needs and in particular in relation to family matters, if you have any concerns or queries whatsoever please contact us and we will do our best to help you.

Please stay safe and remember we are only a phone call or a click away.

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