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Amanda Erskine - Family Law Team

Family Law team expansion at Kerseys Solicitors

Family Law team expansion at Kerseys Solicitors

Kerseys Solicitors appoint a new Associate Solicitor in its Family Law team

Amanda joins Kerseys Solicitors as an Associate Solicitor in the Family Law team.  Amanda’s approach to all situations is to provide a sympathetic ear and a practical solution. She aims to always try, where possible, to keep matters out of the costly court system, and encourage couples to resolve their issues as amicably as possible.

Matt Clemence, Head of the Family team at Kerseys says “Amanda is a fantastic addition to our already excellent team. I am confident Amanda will fit into our firm effortlessly as she already shares many of the values and ethos that makes Kerseys, the law firm it is today.

We also welcome Danielle Ryder who will be Amanda’s legal assistant.  Danielle has ambitions to train and qualify as a solicitor in Family Law.”

Managing Partner, Kimat Singh says that “Kerseys Solicitors is committed to recruiting talented lawyers and assistants and with the firm’s commitment to growth and expansion Amanda and Danielle fit squarely into our exciting plans.  I am are really excited for the future of the Family team and the firm as a whole.”

To read more about Amanda click here.

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