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Furloughed Employees To Receive Full Redundancy Payments

Furloughed Employees To Receive Full Redundancy Payments

Furloughed Employees To Receive Full Redundancy Payments

This morning The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy announced that it is going to bring in a new law to ensure all employees who have been furloughed receive redundancy payments calculated at 100% of their normal pay, rather than at their reduced furlough rate.

The new law will mainly help those employees who have flexible hours or pay because their redundancy payments are based on an average of their previous 12 weeks’ pay, which will be less if they have been furloughed.

Our team of employment specialists is here to help you.

If you do find yourself in the unfortunate position of receiving a redundancy offer, please contact us at:

Where we will be happy to arrange a telephone call or a virtual online meeting with you.

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