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Give Young People the Opportunities They Deserve

Give Young People the Opportunities They Deserve

Give Young People the Opportunities They Deserve

Employers can now apply for a £1000 cash boost to help them take on new trainees, Apprenticeships and Skills Minister, Gillian Keegan announced on 27 January 2021.

Traineeship Scheme

The new scheme will support young people to gain the skills and experience they need from the very start, helping them to get a job, an apprenticeship, or pursue further study.

The cash boost – which is available until 31 July 2021 – will help businesses with the cost of providing a high-quality work placement for a trainee.

This includes providing:

  • facilities
  • uniforms or
  • helping with travel costs.

Businesses offering new traineeship opportunities will receive the £1,000 bonus for every trainee they take on with up to a maximum of 10 trainees. Employers can claim the cash incentive for all work placements that have been completed since 1 September 2020.

Apprentice Scheme

This new cash boost is in addition to the apprentice scheme announced last year, which offers employers £2,000 for each new apprentice they hire aged under 25, and £1,500 for apprentice aged 25 and over.

This includes taking on an apprentice who has been made redundant, so businesses can create even more opportunities and give more people the life-changing chance to start a great career.

The government’s £2 billion Kickstart Scheme is also creating hundreds of thousands of new, fully subsidised jobs for young people across the country.

Employment Law

How Kerseys Can Help

If your business would rather focus its time on running the day to day business and use a qualified lawyer to manage your HR Agreements contact us at:

  • [email protected], or
  • telephone Ipswich 01473 213311 or
  • Colchester 01206 584584 or
  • visit our web site and click “Call Me Back”

You do not need to travel, we will contact you and support you via virtual/telephone appointments.

We believe in keeping it simple to enable you time to spend on the day to day activities of your business.

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