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Job Support Scheme

Government and the Job Support Scheme

Government and the Job Support Scheme

The government has just announced that it proposes setting up a new Job Support Scheme to replace the current furlough scheme which comes to an end on 31 October 2020.

The government says the new scheme will support the wages of people in work. This will give employers the option to keep people in work but place them on shorter hours, rather than making them redundant.

Employees will have to work at least a third of their normal hours and the employer will need to pay them for that. The government will then top-up the employee’s pay. The scheme will be open to SMEs. Larger employers may also use the scheme if they can show that their income has fallen as a result of COVID. The initial proposal is for the scheme to run for six months from 1 November and employees will be eligible even if they were not furloughed before.

We will update you as more detail about the scheme comes out.

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