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Government Reduces Power of Attorney Application Fee

Government Reduces Power of Attorney Application Fee By 15%

The Government has announced a 15% cut in the application fee for registering a lasting power of attorney (LPA).

LPAs are legal documents that allow you to appoint someone you trust to make decisions about your welfare or financial affairs if you lose the ability to decide for yourself at some point in the future.

From 1 October this year, the application fee for registering LPAs will be cut from £130 to £110. The reduction also applies to the older Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA).

Justice Minister Helen Grant said: “It is really important that people consider making a lasting power of attorney – it means that as they get older, or if they have issues with their health, they have the peace of mind from knowing that the important decisions about their life will be taken by someone they know and trust, if they ever lost capacity.”

Ministers say the reduction has been made possible by increased efficiencies at the Office of the Public Guardian, which manages both LPAs and the older EPAs.

Public Guardian Alan Eccles said: “More and more people are making the important decision to apply for a lasting power of attorney and it is right they receive the best possible service.”

How Kerseys can help

Please contact us if you would like more information about lasting powers of attorney.

Lasting Powers of Attorney

Leila Murray | Partner
Private Client Department, Kerseys

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