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Amber Rainford explains

Help to Buy ISA Government Scheme

Help to Buy ISA Government Scheme

Conveyancing Executive at Kerseys Solicitors in Ipswich and Colchester explains.

The Help to Buy ISA Government Scheme deadline is fast approaching. You have until the 30th November 2019 to create your Help To Buy ISA account.

Deadline is 30th November 2019

The scheme allows you to put aside savings until November 2029.

When you use those funds to purchase your first property, subject to you meeting the criteria, the government will provide you with a 25% bonus on the funds you have saved.

The maximum amount you can save in this account is £12,000.00, this will then provide you with a £3,000.00 bonus.

When you instruct your Solicitors to provide you with Conveyancing for your first purchase, your Solicitor will apply to obtain your bonus on your behalf.

Not only is the scheme worthwhile for you to take your first step onto the property ladder, in my experience as a Conveyancer, this is the most efficient government scheme I have come across.

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