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How Brexit Could Affect Business

How Brexit Could Affect Business

Adrian Chaffey Considers How Brexit Could Affect Business

Adrian Chaffey, Senior Solicitor at Kerseys considers how Brexit could affect business.

Brexit has happened, well sort of anyway.

The UK left the European Union on 31 January and when it did, after so many years of argument, it felt like a non-event. Nothing happened. Life and business went on more or less exactly as before. Then six weeks later Coronavirus struck, the UK went into lockdown and everyone’s attention went elsewhere.

But in the last week or two, that attention has started to come back to it. The media are interested in the politics of it again, everyone is beginning to remember the standstill period which we have been in since January, is about to come to an end on 31 December.

That’s not much more than 3 months away.

  • So what then?
  • What then for individuals?
  • And what for business?

The problem, certainly for business, is that no one really knows.

Back in the early part of the year businesses were perhaps entitled to think that a no deal had been averted. The Prime Minister was celebrating his deal, along with his election victory. But finalising that deal before the end of the year no longer looks so certain.

At the time of writing the Government seem intent on rowing back on commitments it has previously made, and deal or no deal, the Government gives every impression of not being fussed either way.

But if businesses don’t know what is going to happen, they can at least look to identify the risks they face, then try to find ways to mitigate those risks.

I have documented some of those risks under Commercial FAQs.

There’s not a lot of time left, but part of it is planning: identifying what the risks are and working out how to mitigate them as best you can.

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How Kerseys Can Help

If you require assistance in reviewing your contractual commitments and negotiating new terms, please do contact me Adrian Chaffey at [email protected] or telephone Ipswich 01473 213311 or Colchester 01206 584584 where I will be happy to speak with you.

Adrian Chaffey

Adrian Chaffey
Senior Solicitor

01473 407109
[email protected]

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