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How much does conveyancing cost?

How much does conveyancing cost?

How much does conveyancing cost?

Considering moving home?

Get your free instant online conveyancing quote with Kerseys Solicitors.  You do not need to visit our offices as we provide Conveyancing services to any location in England and Wales.

There are no hidden fees with Kerseys.

Not sure whether to purchase your property as Joint Tenant or Tenants in Common?

What is the difference between Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common

Remove the jargon and keep it simple with Kerseys Solicitors Residential Property team.  Download our free moving home guide to help you prior to your move and on the day of completion and our A to Z Glossary of Moving Home terms frequently used involved in the conveyancing process.

How long does Conveyancing take?

Most conveyancing transactions take on average 10 to 12 weeks. Some are quicker while some can take longer. The actual time will depend on several factors, for example the number of people in the conveyancing chain or the length of time taken to arrange mortgage finance.

Kerseys Residential Property team are on hand to guide you through every step of the way.  Only a click or call away.

Once you have purchased a property, it is important you ensure your Will is updated to reflect your change in circumstance.  If you have not made a Will you should consider making a Will to ensure your wishes are heard and legally binding whether you are married or not.  Our Private Client Law team prepare your Will and LPA so that you are comfortable that nothing has been missed in relation to your wishes and the best way to safe guard them for the future.  You can speak to a member of our team at Kerseys or you can obtain an instant online free no obligation quotation here.  It is exciting moving into a new home and many people put off making a Will at this time, however a property is a very valuable and important asset and you want to ensure should anything happen you have peace of mind that your assets are distributed and/or managed by the people of your choosing.

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