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IBC - House in Multiple Occupation

IBC Announced Successful Prosecution for Breach of HMO

IBC Announced Successful Prosecution for Breach of HMO

Ipswich Borough Council has announced details of a successful prosecution for breach of House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licensing and management regulations. 

Ipswich Borough Council has announced details of a successful prosecution for breach of House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licensing and management regulations.

The landlord was fined nearly £5,000.

This shows how important it is for landlords to ensure they understand the regulations and comply with them. If in doubt they should consult with the local authority which covers the property.

Also, if landlords have a mortgage they should ensure the mortgage company has agreed the property can be an HMO.

I acted for a landlord recently whose mortgage company issued repossession proceedings because of an unauthorised conversion to an HMO.

Read the full article on ipswich.gov.uk here.

Commercial Landlord & Tenant Problems

How Kerseys Can Help

If you are a landlord and require any assistant, please do contact me at [email protected] or alternatively telephone Ipswich 01473 213311 or Colchester 01206 584584 and I or a member of my team will be happy to arrange a telephone call or virtual online meeting with you.

Kate Barnes

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