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Intellectual Property / IT Disputes

Intellectual Property / IT Disputes

Intellectual property (IP) rights comprise of very many important rights including copyright, trademarks, patents and registered designs.

Kerseys Solicitors can help you with dispute resolution.

In reality, IP rights are often the most valuable asset that a business possesses.

Kerseys’ Dispute Resolution team has conducted many cases on behalf of businesses whose IP rights have been infringed, including defending businesses facing claims of infringement.

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According to a baseline survey by the Intellectual Property Office (an arm of the Department of Business Innovation and Skills):

Show baseline survey stats

  • 96% of UK businesses do not know the value of their IP rights
  • only 11% of UK businesses know that disclosure of an invention before filing will invalidate a patent
  • 74% of businesses could not correctly identify the owner of copyright when using a subcontractor
  • only 4% of businesses have an IP policy

Show recent work examples

Recent examples are:

  • acting for a client whose database was copied by an ex-director
  • defending a company which was accused of using a domain name which although lawfully registered ‘passed off’ their business as the claimant’s
  • obtaining injunction to stop breach of copyright as well as confidentiality infringement

Similarly, effective IT systems are crucial to most businesses today. Kerseys’ Dispute Resolution team has conducted a number of cases relating to IT contracts, including pursuing claims for failure to perform or meet expectations on behalf of business customers against contractors and defending contractors against such claims.

Dispute Resolution Team

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