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Kardashian & West Agree Shared Custody

Kardashian & West Agree Shared Custody

Kardashian & West Agree Shared Custody as part of their Divorce

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have announced that as part of their divorce they will share custody of their four young children.

The word ‘custody’ is no longer in use in the UK but parents in England and Wales who disagree about arrangements for their children on separation can apply to the court for an order stating who a child is to ‘live with’ and when their child is to ‘spend time with’ the other parent.

We applaud Kim and Kanye for reaching their agreement but we know it is not always easy.

If you need help to sort arrangements out for your children our qualified family solicitors can help.

Contact the Family Team at Kerseys on Ipswich 01473 213311 or Colchester 01206 584584 or email us at [email protected].

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