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Legal Power of Attorney


Are you sticking to any of your New Year’s resolutions?

Did you make any?

Most people have a go at making some New Year’s resolutions things which are on their wish list of tasks they would like to make themselves do:- be that lose some weight, go to the gym more, stay in contact with old friends, see the family more etc. Some of us are better than others at keeping to New Year’s resolutions and others are absolutely adamant that they are enforced.

Making a Will

As far as making a Will is concerned this is something which is on the wish list of most people but falls into the category of things such as, checking whether you are getting the best deal from your utility provider or getting the best quote for your buildings or car insurance when it comes up for renewal.  That is you will do it if you get round to it but more often or not it may not happen.

The Law Society ran a campaign some twenty years ago to encourage people to make a Will. The statistics at that time were that two thirds of the population did not have one and whilst more people are making Wills today, still not enough do.  The idea of course with the Law Society campaign was that you need some will power to book an appointment with your solicitor to get the ball rolling.  The Law Society even had a superhero clad figure as part of the advertising whose name was … Will Power.

The same basis still applies about will power although it is easier than you think to put a valid Will in place in order to protect your estate and your family.

How Kerseys can help

Give our Private Client team at Kerseys a ring and book in to see one of our solicitors.

You will need to bring with you

  • names and addresses of who you wish to name as executors
  • who you wish to name as beneficiaries under your Will.

It would also be useful to come armed with a list detailing your assets both those that you hold in your sole name and those which you hold with anyone else, so we can advise as to whether Inheritance Tax is an issue.

We will then discuss with you your thoughts and upon receiving your instructions can send through a draft for you to look through.

Once you are happy with that we will get you in to sign the fair copy and then send you a copy to keep at home.

Not only will you have a Will in place which will protect your estate and your family/loved ones, you will also have kept a New Year’s Resolution all with the help of some will power!

If you are interested in making a Will please contact our Private Client team on 01473 213311 for an appointment.

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