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Kerseys Family Team Are More Accessible

Kerseys Family Team Are More Accessible

Making Kerseys Family Team More Accessible

Nicola Furmston explains how Kerseys Family team recognise that some people struggle to access a family lawyer.

Here at Kerseys we recognise that you need access to your Family lawyer outside of the standard office hours.

We provide a Saturday morning surgery and a late Wednesday surgery each month, which are advertised on the Family page on our web site. 

We also provide our interactive online tool, which guides you through a questionnaire using artificial intelligence to provide path ways, it is free and could also help reduce your costs if you do decide to book an appointment to move forward and is available at any time.

Kerseys Online Family Tool (Settify)

Watch our Video

Watch our short video showing how to get started using our free online tool.

Watch video here

Get Started Now

Available at the touch of a button on our website is a quick questionnaire.

Complete it and you will receive personalised information about the divorce or separation process.

You can then make an appointment to see us, confident in the knowledge that we already know your situation.

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