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KNEWS December 2020

Kerseys Newsletter: December 2020

A message from our Senior Management Team

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What a Year 2020 has been for everyone across the world

Deadly wild fires erupted in California, Covid 19, Prince Harry & Meghan Markle quit the Royal Family, Black Lives Matter, Stock Market Crash, the US president faced an impeachment trial, Beirut Port had an explosion, the US presidential elections and behind the scenes Brexit continues.

Family & Technology

Family & Technology

Many more people learnt how to use technology to remain in touch with friends and family and working from home and online video chats became the new normal for many.

We all started washing our hands more regularly and learnt what 2 metres really looked like and we realised what we took for granted. We realised we missed hugging our most dearest and nearest, children missed going to school, some people missed travelling to work.

Wash Hands, Cover Face & Keep Space

We learnt patience, to help and encourage and support each other through the difficult situations we faced and may continue to face.

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NHS & Key Workers

To be so proud of our NHS and Care workers who battled through night and day but that our key workers included many other sectors which meant our bins were still collected, our shopping was delivered, our streets were policed.

So What about Kerseys in 2020?

The Kerseys team pulled together like every other, whilst some members of staff had some time on furlough, we were delighted that we were able to bring them all back to work.

Clare Thomas, our Senior Partner and Head of our Family team after many successful years decided it was time to step back a little and take on the role of a Consultant in our Family team, leaving the way for Matt Clemence to join our firm as a partner and to lead our Family team with support from Clare. Peter Awad added the role of Senior Partner to his existing role of Managing Partner and continues managing our firm, working closely with Kimat Singh and Jane Riley, developing and growing our Ipswich and Colchester offices, supporting clients and businesses from various regions.

Our Residential Conveyancing team expanded with Julie Pinder, Lorraine Dixon joining the firm along with our Family team welcome Nicola Furmston taking up the role of Senior Solicitor.

As Kerseys approach our 140 year anniversary, we want to wish you every happiness for the festive season.

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Secure devices

Tips to help you keep your devices up to date and as secure as possible.

It is important that you keep as up to date as possible with Microsoft security updates. If your device is not setup to update automatically then you must run updates manually.

It is common that Windows 10 devices will slow down if you have not applied any updates for some time and that Windows Defender is also at risk from being out of date. Windows Defender is built in anti-virus protection with Windows 10 devices.

To keep your device running smoothly and securely,

Click the Start (Windows logo Start button)
Then go to Settings (Gear-shaped Settings icon)
Update & Security (Circular arrows Sync icon)
Windows Update (Circular arrows Sync icon)

Your device may require a restart, we would suggest you then follow the steps above as if your device has not been updated for some time it may take a few attempts to apply all of the updates.

Protect yourself – the A’s

Apply software updates to your devices, keep as up to date as possible.

Aware you will not receive telephone calls or text messages from your banks or utility providers asking for access to your device.

Alert if you receive a text message from a provider regarding your bill is outstanding, do not click the links in the text message. Always access your account separately to check the details or telephone your provider, do not click any links in the messages you receive.

Advice think before you click or speak – if it doesn’t sound right then it more than likely is not genuine.

Share your experiences with your family and friends to raise awareness and help others protect themselves.

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