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Kerseys Solicitors December 2021 Newsletter

Kerseys Solicitors December 2021 Newsletter

During 2021 The Senior Management Team welcomed Partner and Solicitor in our Family department, Matt Clemence to join the equity partnership.

We are also pleased to have welcomed Annalie King to our firm as Consultant Employment Solicitor providing expert advice to individuals and businesses and launching services for HR Support to businesses and Jenny Partridge as a legal secretary in our Disputes & Employment team. We also welcomed Kerry Haynes an experienced Conveyancing Solicitor and Charlie Moss, a Conveyancing Assistant and the return of Susie Gordon-Cheyne as a legal secretary in our Residential Property team. Our Commercial department also welcomed the arrival of Toni Bennett as a secretary to our Commercial & Corporate Team along with Elliot Steele as paralegal to our Commercial Lawyers and Josh Price as a Private Client Executive in our Private Client team.

We are delighted to be able to continue to grow and develop not only our lawyers but also our support teams offering a flexible service to our clients, you can visit our web site to obtain an online quote for moving home, use our free Online Family Tool obtain guidance on your pathway and options available to you.

Visit our web site and chat with us to provide us with your availability and a preferred date and time to be contacted and we will do our best to meet your requirements arranging for a specialist lawyer to speak with you. Not all lawyers are 9 to 5, we offer flexible pre-arranged telephone appointments to service your needs where we can. If you have a problem we have your solution and work with you to look to your future as if it matters to you it matters to us.

We enjoyed supporting Wear IT Pink raising £281.50 by cake sales, trick or treat and dress down day.
Being part of the local community is important to us and we strive to support as many local sports teams and events as we can in around Ipswich and Colchester along with collecting parcels for the local food bank.

Meet Dougal the Donkey

One of our lawyers rescued Dougal the Donkey and we are proud to sponsor him.

Meet Dougal in this short video.


Creating Constable Exhibition at Christchurch Mansion

Kerseys Solicitors LLP continue to proudly support local arts and are sponsoring Colchester & Ipswich Museu’s’ Creating Constable exhibition at Christchurch Mansion which runs until 24 April 2022. This is a significant new exhibition for Colchester & Ipswich Museums. 2021 was the 200th anniversary of The Haywain, perhaps the most famous work by artist John Constable (11 June 1–76 – 31 March 1837). The partners at Kerseys Solicitors LLP recently attended the opening of the exhibition at Christchurch Mansion and the exhibition explores the early Suffolk influences and personal friendships that created Constable the artist. We would recommend that this is worth a viewing next time you come into Ipswich and have an hour to spare and wish to get away from Christmas shopping.
For details and more information visit
Creating Constable | Ipswich Museums


We continue to support and raise money for Fresh Start new beginnings which is a charity that was set up to provide a therapeutic service for children and young people up to 18 years who have reported being sexually abused and to offer support for their families.
The team at Kerseys will be taking part in the Drag and Boat race at the Ipswich Waterfront in June to continue to support Fresh Start new beginnings.


Stress and Mental Health

All of us around the world have seen a significant increase of stress and mental health issues over the past 18 months, during lockdown we also saw an increase in family and relationship breakdowns along with great concerns regarding domestic violence. With the stamp duty holiday many conveyancers, estate agents, mortgage brokers and local authorities have also been working tireless hours to keep up with the demand.
Simone Biles showed strength and character at the Olympics and Tyrone Mings has also spoken out about his mental health ahead of the Euro 2020. There is no shame in asking for help, we encourage this not only to our clients but also our staff.

It is important that as individuals and as an employer we all consider the impact of how we communicate with each other and how it affects our stress and mental health.

How to Manage Stress and Mental Health at Work

Stop and think about what you say before you say it!


Key Dates 

21 March 2022 – Self Employed or an Employer – Are you compliant with IR35? – Don’t get caught out – on 21 March 2022, the Court of Appeal will consider whether rules on intermediaries (IR35) applied to a presenter providing services to the BBC through a personal service company. Click here to understand IR35.

1 April 2022 – Covid-19 VaccinationsVaccinations become mandatory for frontline health and social care workers.

1 April 2022 – Minimum Wage Increase – Age 23 and ove£ £9.50, Ages 21-£2 £9.18, Ages 18£20 £6.83, Under 1£s – £4.81, Apprentices 4.81.

6 April 2022 – No fault divorce – Removing blame should promote parties to work more collaboratively which will have a positive impact especially where children are involved. Overall, this must be seen as a good thing and will be welcomed by the majority of people who are facing difficulties in their marriage.


Don’t Get Caught Out by Hackers
Consider your Move to Windows 11
Windows 1– – The End of Support on 14 October 2025

Microsoft have announced an end date for supporting Windows 10 computers, Windows 11 is out now and is available to some computers depending on the specification of the device. Providing you are apply windows updates regularly to ensure you device is as safe as possible your machine will let you know if you can upgrade free of charge,’ don’t leave it too late it is available free of charge. Alternatively don’t put yourself at risk come 2025 and be left with an unsupported windows device.

Best wishes from the Senior Management Team at Kerseys.

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