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Kerseys Team Plan Ahead

Kerseys Team Plan Ahead

Running a business is a difficult task but here at Kerseys it is made easier with forward thinking and planning ahead to future. With Pam Daynes planning her well-earned retirement, Kerseys employed Trudy Hooper, IT Business Operations Manager to allow for a smooth handover. This has allowed for the history of the firm’s information to be handed over and Trudy to engage with all areas of the business to help support the firm, prepare and plan the vision for the future.

Trudy says “Time flies when you’re having fun.  It’s been 3 months already!”

“I am thoroughly enjoying my role at Kerseys. Yes there are challenges to face and different strategies and approaches to consider moving to a different region and firm, but there will always be challenges in walks of life, these challenges enable us as individuals to grow and expand our vision, which in turn benefits us as individuals and the firm. Every member of staff has been really helpful and welcoming and enabled me to understand our history whilst preparing for the future.

Kerseys are a friendly, professional, caring TEAM, encouraging every member of staff to be part of something great, maintaining our roots, our history since 1881 is important to us, it is what makes us what we are today, but we at Kerseys plan ahead, enabling modern working practices that support our firm’s and its principals and objectives.”

A TEAM generates performance GREATER than the performance of its INDIVIDUAL members.

How Kerseys Can Support Your Business

Our qualified specialist team of lawyers can help support you in running business, in relation to:

  • Recruiting employees
  • Offer Letters & Employment Contracts
  • Creating a Staff Handbook
  • Managing your employees
  • Restructures, redundancies and business transfers
  • Employees leaving your business
  • Litigation and settlement
Employment Law Services
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