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Latest Government Advice on Conveyancing

Latest Government Advice on Conveyancing

Latest Government Advice on Conveyancing as at 1 April 2020

Jane Riley Discusses

You are free to continue to buy and sell homes.

All parties can continue with legal processes, including the exchange and completion of contracts, for the purchase of properties.

However, government guidance is clear that homebuyers and renters should, where possible, delay moving to a new house while measures are in place to fight coronavirus (COVID-19).

Simultaneous exchange and completion (exchange and completing on the same day) do not alter this advice.

Coronavirus – (COVID-19): What You Need To Do

Stay at home

  1. Only go outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home)
  2. If you do go outside, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times
  3. Wash your hands as soon as you get home
  4. Do not meet others, even friends or family

You can spread the virus even if you do not have symptoms.

You are advised not to enter into contracts which might create obligations which would conflict with this public health advice.

Please remain safe.

Stay at Home.

We are only a click or call away.


How Kerseys Can Help

If you have any queries or concerns regarding your conveyancing transaction, please do not hesitate to contact me by email [email protected] or alternatively telephone my direct line on 01473 407122.

Jane Riley

Jane Riley
Head Of Residential Conveyancing

01473 407122
[email protected]

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