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Elaine Webb - Kerseys Solicitors

Law Society’s Children Panel

Law Society’s Children Panel

Congratulations Elaine Webb on your re-accreditation by the Law Society’s Children Panel.

We are delighted that Elaine Webb, Family Solicitor and Partner at Kerseys Solicitors has been re-accredited by the Law Society’s Children Panel.


When a relationship breaks down and there are children involved, parents are not always able to reach an agreement about issues such as who the children will live with and how much time they should spend with the other parent.

We recognise that applying to Court is a last resort and will always try to explore other options with you in the first instance. If it is necessary to go to Court, the child’s welfare will come first in relation to any decisions made.

Elaine has many years of experience as a family solicitor and specialises in representing parents when Social Services become involved and ask you to attend a PLO meeting (a pre-proceedings meeting) or tell you that they intend to start Court proceedings.

Child Care & Social Services
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