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Effects of Lockdown on Child Care & Domestic Abuse

Effects of Lockdown on Child Care & Domestic Abuse

Is COVID and Lockdown having an effect on your Child Care arrangements?

Matt Clemence, Partner and Family Solicitor at Kerseys review lockdown II and the effects it can have on family arrangements.

As we are in Lockdown 2 it is helpful to review the effects if any on family law related matters.

Significantly, ourselves and schools are to remain open through the period, with parents being encouraged to send their children to school.

Child Care Arrangements

Child care for child minders or family members can continue in order for parents to work, even though the message from the government is to work from home if possible.

Crucially, just like last time, separated parents are encouraged to maintain contact arrangements whether made informally or via a court order. Children are permitted to travel between households. The only caveat to this rue is if one parent does not feel it is safe to do so due to significant underlying health issues or where a parent or adult or any child in either family is a symptomatic or has been diagnosed with COVID. In such situation the affected adult, parent or child must self-isolate for 14 days.

This isn’t time to use COVID to frustrate contact arrangements or use it re re-package already established routines.

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Domestic Abuse

Are you feeling that you are a victim of Domestic Abuse?

In relation to domestic abuse, the media were right to highlight the significant use in such cases due to lockdown. Various support networked agencies are on high alert again.

Prolonged time spent together when families face financial pressures as well as having to deal with the general fallout of lockdown – restricted activities, lack of social interaction, can have a significant impact on mental health and under such strain, risk of abuse increases.

If you find yourself in such a situation please dial 999.

There are also a variety of agencies able to help you and a list can be found on our web site.

Our team can also help and we are only a click or phone call away. There are various civil actions we can take to protect you and your family. Equally, those that find themselves on recent injunction proceedings. We too offer help, guidance and advice on how best to deal with such matters.

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How Kerseys Can Help

Please do not hesitate to contact me Matt Clemence or a member of my qualified family lawyers on Ipswich 01473 213311 or Colchester 01206 584584, or email us at [email protected] alternatively if you would prefer us to call you please visit our web site and click “Call Me Back”.

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