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Adult and Child Hands

Make a Will for the kid’s sake

Make a Will for the kid’s sake

Most of us do not want to contemplate what happens if one goes under the proverbial bus.

As a result many people still put off making a Will because they just don’t want to think about it.

This is even though the same people may have substantial life insurance in place to cover their mortgage should they die prematurely, income protection insurance should they lose their job or house and contents insurance should their property be subject to fire, theft or subsidence etc.

Some moments in one’s life prompt reflection on making a Will: marriage or alternatively divorce; house sale; death of a loved one or on a rather more happier note the new arrival of a child or grandchild.

If you have children it’s important to appoint guardians for them should they still be under age on your death. One hope’s of course that the clause will never be needed and in the normal course of events it won’t be.

None of us however have a crystal ball and one should just look at a Will as just another of those sensible precautions to be taken to ensure everything is in order. Your views as to who should look after them can be made clear in a Will and a side letter to the guardians on how you would want them brought up can also be made.

The Will should also be revisited from time to time as the children grow up and one’s  chosen guardians get older too (particularly if they are your own parents).

Whatever you come and see someone at Kerseys for be it:

  • the sale or purchase of a house
  • the setting up of a business or partnership
  • the renegotiation of a commercial lease
  • the settlement of a dispute
  • divorce or child care issues
  • the administration of an estate
  • or something else

You should at some point in your matter (probably at the end) be gently reminded of the need to make a Will.

Arguably it doesn’t matter what your estate consists of, how much or how little you will leave behind, whether your estate is many millions or just your personal effects and a little cash savings. If you have children they will come first and you can have peace of mind that they will be well cared for by your chosen guardians.

To make a Will contact Kerseys on 01473 213311


Geoffrey Sutton | Partner
Private Client Department, Kerseys

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