Woodbridge - 01394 813732
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Colchester - 01206 584584
Felixstowe - 01394 834557


Could being married to your work affect your marriage?

Being married to your work affect your marriage?

Could being married to your work affect your marriage?

For those who love long working hours or maybe don’t love them but do them anyway, something to consider.

The High Court has ruled that a wife was entitled to divorce her husband because he worked very long hours, missed family holidays and never attended their children’s concerts.

This conduct met the test of behaviour that the wife could not reasonably be expected to live with and was sufficient for a divorce.

The husband argued that allowing this breached his human rights because ‘unreasonable behaviour’ was insufficiently defined. He felt that he had been doing his best to meet the family’s financial needs and successfully differentiate his business offering from his larger competitors. The court disagreed.

So some might say – job done in more ways than one. Might be a short-lived worry though.

From 6th April 2022, if the court can get its systems and processes up and running, no fault divorce will be coming this way.

Our Family Solicitors at Kerseys realise that it can be difficult to take time off work to attend appointments, therefore our team are available on the first Saturday of each month 9.00 to 12.00 for a prior appointment or via our live chat service and also on the second Wednesday of the month until 18.15!

You can also visit our web site and request a call back.

Family, Relationships & Divorce

To speak with a qualified Family Lawyer for advice on family related matters please contact Family Team at Kerseys on Ipswich 01473 213311 or Colchester 01206 584584 or email us at [email protected].

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