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My partner has assaulted me – What should I do_

My partner has assaulted me – What should I do?

My partner has assaulted me – What should I do?

There are a number of steps you can take if you are feeling unsafe.

The first thing to do is to call the police.

  • The police have a wide range of powers
  • They should arrest your partner and conduct an interview
  • He or she may be charged with one of a number of offences and should be bailed on condition that he/she stays away from you.

However, if you cannot stay safely in your home the police may be able to arrange for you to go to a refuge.

If you have an injury that requires attention get immediate medical help.

If you don’t require urgent medical attention but have a visible injury go to your GP and ask your GP to make a record of the injury.

Take photographs of it.

Is there anything else I can or should do?

If your partner is not charged and bailed to stay away you should ask your solicitor to get an Occupation Order from the family court.

This is an order that prohibits your partner from living at the property and usually from coming within a certain distance from it.

You may be able to get this order, and an order that your partner may not use or threaten violence against you if you are at risk of harm.

What about our young children?

Depending upon the severity of the assault it may or may not be appropriate for your partner to see the children unsupervised.

Or you may require assistance with hand-over arrangements so that you are not put at risk.

Contact your solicitor for assistance with organizing this.

If necessary your solicitor can apply on your behalf to the family court for a Child Arrangements Order.

How Kerseys Can Help

For advice and assistance on separation or if you have suffered an assault contact Nicola Furmston at Kerseys.

Nichola Furmston

Family Solicitor
Nicola Furmston

01473 407110

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