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National Employee Appreciation Day

National Employee Appreciation Day

National Employee Appreciation Day is celebrated on the first Friday of March.  This year it is 4 March.

It provides employers with the opportunity to demonstrate that they value their employees as they are at the core of any truly successful business.

Treat your employees how you would want to be treated as an employee. Employers that invest in their employees find that productivity and the overall success of their business is increased. One of the main reasons that we are provided with as to why employees leave is the lack of appreciation that is shown by their managers.  Even simple wins such as thank you, or an email to acknowledge the effort that an employee has made has been recognised, has proven to have a positive impact.

It is simple, employers that value their employees have more success than those who don’t.

If you are in of need employment advice or HR support contact Kerseys Solicitors in Ipswich 01473 213311 or Kerseys Solicitors in Colchester 01206 584584, or email [email protected], alternatively Kerseys are only a click away on or visit our website and click “Call Me Back” a member of our employment team will be happy to contact you at a time that is convenient to you.

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