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New Guidance on Hybrid Working for Employers

On 3 December 2021 new guidance on hybrid working that had been commissioned by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) was published on behalf of the government’s Flexible Working Taskforce.  This guidance is supplemental to the guidance that has already been provided by ACAS on hybrid working.

The guidance encourages employers to consider hybrid working as a possible way forward.  The guidance states that hybrid working may be a solution to attracting and retaining talented employees. It offers practical suggestions for employers as well.  For example, ensuring that relevant hybrid working policies and practices are in place and also reviewing HR processes and training of relevant managers/employees and also examples of practical steps that the guidance recommends employers should follow.  The pandemic has demonstrated the need for employers to think flexibly and although forced upon the labour market, that flexible/home working are possible and can be advantageous to employees and businesses alike. However, it does acknowledge that this is not always possible or indeed not every employee finds hybrid working of benefit to them either.  Therefore, the wellbeing of all employees must be taken into consideration.

Health and Wellbeing has perhaps never been more at the forefront since the pandemic. The guidance further highlights the responsibilities that employers have towards their employees.  It suggests that for the health and wellbeing of their employees that it may be advantageous for employers to offer hybrid working.  The report concludes that hybrid working is evolving and as such businesses that adopt hybrid working policy must evolve with it.



If you are in of need employment advice or support please contact Annalie King, Employment Consultant Solicitor at Kerseys Solicitors, I am a click away or call away. You can contact Annalie at Kerseys Solicitors in Ipswich on 01473 213311 or Kerseys Solicitors in Colchester 01206 584584, email [email protected] or visit our website and click “Call Me Back”.  Annalie will be happy to contact you at a time that is convenient.

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